Empower your workforce and maximize operational efficiency through AI-Powered on-the-job learning.
Maximize Operations
Are You Drowning in Clutter?
The future of
training is here.
- Rapidly increase productivity and efficiency of new hires.
- Improve new hire retention.
- Effortlessly scale your training with AI.
Say goodbye to
tribal knowledge
- Build a living repository of best practices and real-world insights
- Gain insights into common questions and challenges to continuously improve training and operations.
Invest in your
people, invest in
your future.
- Reduce new hire stress and frustration.
- Personalized and optimized training experience.
- Enable employees to become part of the solution and help shape the future of the manufacturing process.
Maximize Operations
Why Industry Needs the Connected Coach Today
630 B
in annual turnover cost in the US
of employees quit in the first year
Mfg jobs to fill in the next decade
Promotional Videos
Video Projects
Maximize Operations
Why Industry Needs the Connected Coach Today
Concierge Knowledge
The Connected Coach team will provide a service to evaluate and structure your existing documentation to ready it for the AI process.
Captured Data
Procedures, best practices, and FAQs are integrated into the AI platform to prepare for pilot.
On-Floor Pilot
with Hardware
Experienced employee uses Connected Coach AI + noise cancellation headset platform for daily operations and troubleshooting.
Feedback &
Machine Learning
Usage data and feedback from pilot employee captured, machine learning is applied, and results output prepared for post-pilot review.
Our plans
Flexible Plans that grow with you
Duis cursus, erat at placerat vestibulum, leo dui maximus nisi, scelerisque
User per month
- Integer venenatis dolor ut elit facilisis laoreet sit amet in lorem.
- Phasellus vitae ligula ultricies, lobortis magna dictum, accumsan augue.
- Donec finibus, nibh a pretium sagittis, ante velit accumsan
- Lodio, vel vehicula nulla arcu eget turpis. Mauris eu consectetur ex
- Nulla bibendum magna vitae tincidunt accumsan Cras non diam mollis turpis
Vestibulum augue augue, finibus ac est ac, lacinia faucibus velit ut dapibus.
User per month
- Cras facilisis felis lorem, a tincidunt libero faucibus a.
- Donec felis ex, imperdiet ut ante quis, gravida luctus diam.
- Phasellus vitae ligula ultricies, lobortis magna dictum, accumsan augue.
- Fusce posuere molestie hendrerit. Nunc finibus fermentum velit.
- Donec nec orci lorem. Sed sed libero ultrices, elementum augue quis, porttitor mi.
Pellentesque id nisl euismod, sollicitudin risus vitae, mattis arcu proin at volutpa.
- Phasellus neque nisi, egestas a arcu nec, cursus condimentum ante.
- Aenean suscipit lorem ac justo porttitor, sed fermentum neque porta.
- Vestibulum aliquet purus vitae dui condimentum fringilla.
- Nullam felis nunc, volutpat viverra lacus vel, porttitor ornare neque. Praesent vitae tortor sem.
- Phasellus vitae ligula ultricies, lobortis magna dictum.
Why not
Future Proof Your Operation Today
One employee, one line, one month, to complete a study and learn how the Connected Coach can revolutionize the plastics manufacturing workforce.
Try our freemium pilot with Connected Coach
One employee, one line, one month, to complete a study and learn how the Connected Coach can revolutionize the plastics manufacturing workforce.
About Us
Proin posuere sapien ut elit viverra, non dictum massa vestibulum. Aliquam egestas diam ut ligula dapibus, eget tempor nisl porttitor. Phasellus nec sapien elit. Mauris cursus, dui ac mollis auctor, est enim suscipit nunc, luctus iaculis risus nulla. Curabitur pulvinar purus vitae arcu sagittis, pharetra tristique enim porttitor. Ut convallis scelerisque imperdiet.
Contact Us
Teknor Apex, 505 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
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